Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist is the sixth installment in the Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell series of video games developed and...

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Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist is the sixth installment in the Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell series of video games developed and published by Ubisoft Toronto. It follows the events six months after Conviction as Third Echelon is discharged by Patricia Caldwell. The President forms Fourth Echelon because of Blacklist Zero, and Sam Fisher is appointed as the leader.

Six months after the Third Echelon Conspiracy, Third Echelon has been disbanded, and former Splinter Cell Sam Fisher now works for his friend Victor Coste at his Private Military Corporation, Paladin 9. 

They are currently stationed at the Andersen Air Force Base on Guam Island and both Sam and Vic are about to do an aerial reconnaissance mission. Before taking off they talk with their young technician Charlie Cole who also gives them last piece of gear for their upcoming operation.